This study aimed to develop an acceptable and feasible psycho-social support (PSS) package that will be ready to embed within the existing National TB Control Programme (NTP) service delivery system in Bangladesh.
Our specific objectives were to assess the existing MDR-TB services, exploring the facilitators and barriers in the current service provision for mental health support; assess the prevalence of depression among MDR-TB patients using the depression module of the Patient Health questionnaire (PHQ-9); validate PHQ-9 in the Bangladesh context; identify whether depression is associated with cure rate; and develop tools, materials and guideline for a PSS package that is applicable to the Bangladesh MDR-TB programme context.
Key Publications:
- Huque, R., Elsey, H., Fieroze, F., Hicks, J.P., Huque, S., Bhawmik, P., Walker, I. and Newell, J., 2020. “Death is a better option than being treated like this”: a prevalence survey and qualitative study of depression among multi-drug resistant tuberculosis in-patients. BMC Public Health, 20(1), pp.1-13.
- IF Walker, SC Baral, X Wei, Huque R, A Khan, J Walley, JN Newell. Multidrug-resistant tuberculosis treatment programmes insufficiently consider comorbid mental disorders. The International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease 21 (6), 603-609
Funding Agency: FCDO, UK
Sponsor: University of Leeds, UK
Duration: January 2017 – December 2018